"When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that, I am responsible."


Welcome to the online home of District 9 of Area 64 of Alcoholics Anonymous. Here you will find information about the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, our local meeting schedule, updates on local A.A. events, and a signup form for our Bridging the Gap service entity.

Our aim is to carry the message and spiritual solution of Alcoholics Anonymous to the alcoholic who still suffers.


MEEting schedule

Find District 9 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings here.

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Bridging the gap

A.A. members can visit this page to sign up to be temporary points of contact for patients and clients discharging from local treatment facilities.

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DISTRIct 9 events

Find out about upcoming events in District 9.

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AREA 64 Assembly

Visit our Area 64 website to find out about Alcoholics Anonymous at the Area level. Here you will also find a calendar of events spanning all of Area 64.

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